Jamie Watkins
Founder / Board Advisor
Following years of operating at high intensity in the corporate world, Jamie was introduced to renowned Buddhist monk, Gelong Thubten.
"Perhaps two of the words that best resonated with me at that this time in my life " explained Jamie, "were balance and clarity. I'd learnt so much during my time as an entrepreneur, but it was now time to re-set the scales. Hard work had allowed me to make moves in the business world and obtain an element of financial security, but now it was time to take stock and look at the life around me.
"Fate and circumstances placed me into contact with Thubten who taught me the powers of meditation. From this relationship grew a new business, Samten, a meditation app. I truly believe that mental health and wellbeing are the keystone to everyone's happiness and success. Meditation and control of the monkey mind are the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves and to others.”
Together the founders and their team are looking to bring mediation and mindfulness to the world at a time when mental health is potentially facing its biggest crisis ever.